The Purpose of this Website & Its Resources
This website was primarily created in hopes to create a university-going culture in Ventura County. Students are invited to explore what university culture means to them, how it will change them, their family, their goals and plans and how pursuing higher education can greatly benefit their future.
The services provided on this website will allow students, parents/guardians and educators to learn about the ways that they can begin the college exploration, preparation, and application process and will empower students to take the necessary steps towards attending a four-year institution.
With research-grounded steps to college for high school and community college students, our hope is that student relate and feel a part of the changing culture in Ventura County.
We encourage parents/guardians and educators to benefit from the resources and services outlined on this website and contact our pro staff if you should have any questions about our services.
Wishing you the best of luck in your university exploration!